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Peer Support & Recovery Coaching

Defining Mental Health:

Understanding Key Concepts

A "Peer" in Behavioral Health
In the field of behavioral health, peers are individuals who specifically navigate the challenges of living with psychiatric disorders and/or addiction. While this narrow definition applies to individuals with these conditions, it is important to note that most people are particular about the peers they rely on for support, emphasizing trust and compatibility.

What is a Peer Recovery Coach at Hegira Health?

A certified-peer with lived experience who assists by providing resources and support to aid in the challenges of recovery.

At Hegira Health, we recognize the power of peers in offering essential support and understanding to individuals on their journey towards recovery.

Peer support is a transformative process that involves both giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to achieve long-term recovery. Peer supporters offer emotional support, share knowledge, teach essential skills, provide practical assistance, and connect individuals with valuable resources, opportunities, and communities of support. In behavioral health, peers leverage their unique lived experiences with mental health conditions to provide support focused on advocacy, education, mentoring, and motivation.

Peer providers fulfill diverse roles in supporting individuals living with psychiatric disorders and/or in addiction recovery. They are capable of facilitating education and support groups, acting as a bridge between people and services during transitions from hospitals or jails to community-based settings. Peers also work one-on-one as role models, mentors, coaches, and advocates, supporting individuals in developing psychiatric advance directions and creating Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP).


Peers are known by different titles and can be found in various settings. Many peers undergo additional training and certification that showcases their skills and knowledge. Combined with their lived experience and ability to connect with and engage individuals, peer supporters form a dynamic and growing group that continues to transform lives and systems.


At Hegira Health, we value and appreciate the significant contributions that peers make to the recovery journey. Join our compassionate team of Peer Recovery Coaches and be a part of the positive transformation in the lives of individuals seeking support and recovery.

Adaptability: Ability and attitude toward adjustment to and implementation of work environment changes.

Integrity: Analyzing and handling work responsibilities and challenges with honest and ethical behavior.


Teamwork: Ability to work well and cooperate within a group of employees at all levels; interest in helping to achieve team and/or facility goals.

Critical Thinking: Mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion.


Problem Solving: Ability to cognitively work through all aspects and details of a problem in order to reach the best possible solution.


Work Approach: Setting high standards of performance for self and others; assuming responsibility and accountability for successfully completing assignments or tasks; self-imposing standards of excellence rather than having standards imposed.

HHI's Core Behavioral Expectations for Coaches

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